The Sacred Space

A Space Dedicated To Creating a Luxurious Life of Abundance

When did you first feel it, Sis?

That feeling at the pit of your stomach, the one that whispered to you there has to be more to life than working hard, paying bills and dying.. 

Maybe it was the first time you had questions about the meaning of all this shit, and you were told to never question God. Maybe it was when you realized that there are people in this world who didn’t have to struggle and worry about “adulting” at the age of 12, and they seemed at peace. It could have been the time that life felt like there was 2 different sets of rule books, and the ones that governed your life didn’t feel “fair” at all.

If I were to guess, I’d say you have always been a seeker.

You asked a million questions of the adults around you, and after being brushed off or told “that’s just how it is” you buried that burning desire to “know” in a place deep within.

The Sacred Space is a place that will fuel that fire! Take your light from under the bushel, and position it to shine so that the best of you steps forward. 

Bring all of your questions,

Unleash your dreams

Speak loudly about the vision for your life, because in this place it will be met with all of the tools to manifest those desires into this reality.

Here’s the first thing I want you to know about the Sacred Space: You Are Not Alone

There is a wave of melanated multicultural moguls (we call them M3’s), just like you. 

Ready to break chains, just like you. 

Ready to step into the life they truly deserve, just like you. 

And there is absolutely no reason why you should have to do this alone. 

Despite what you may have been told, you can have it all, Love. 

You can absolutely thrive in your self love, your health, your wealth, your relationships, purpose, spirituality, and yes…even when it comes to having fun in life. 

In fact this is what we at the Savage Spiritualist call the Abundance Recipe, manifesting and creating with pure intentionality in all seven ingredients of your life all at the same time. 

Because you deserve it ALL. And even if you’re not in a place where you can say that and really mean it yet, I’ll keep repeating it until you can.

Your Recipe to Thrive the Hell out of Life

Okay, okay. I know how this sounds. You’re probably rolling your eyes over the idea that there’s some kind of formulaic approach to your life. And the fact that you might find it by clicking the button underneath? Yeah, right.

AND that it’s something that can be applied pretty damn easily, if you just give yourself a chance? As if.

I get it. I’ve been fooled before too.

I mean, how many people get shafted with too-good-to-be-true easy-peasy techniques that are floating around the internet?

*Raises hand and waves wildly.*

But allow this Fundamental belief to settle into your heart: The correct recipe reveal itself to the chef when the chef is really ready to cook.

You found this space because you have been seeking it. You are ready now to create a life that is abundant according to your own desires. Not my dish. Not Oprah’s dish… not even your grandma’s famous dish that you have almost perfected. A dish that is inspired by you, because you are the Blueprint. 

But Here's The Thing

It takes a good amount of consistent monitoring of what you are allowing to believe as TRUTH, but once you understand the ingredients and how to apply them to your life’s dish you will see that there is recipe that you can easily implement.

This is the recipe that goes with you every day from today, to ten years from now, to every second your future is in store for you.

And you get to say how it goes, depending on what abundance looks like to you at every moment. 

Seven Simple Steps to

Change Your Whole Future

Each week I’ll be sharing my insider approach to thriving in each area of the seven pillars so you can put the same approach into action in your own life.


Money is God in action to experience all the things that have a price tag. You deserve all the money. It’s impossible to attract wealth from a Lack mindset. Once you get your thoughts, words and actions aligned with wealth…. It’s a universal law that money will break down doors to find you.

This is the way of God.

Lack is not of God.

Our thoughts and beliefs attach us to one or the other.

Not because money is what will buy happiness, but because you have experienced the emotion that not having enough money brings.

I truly believe I can do all the good for the world if I had all the money.

Think about the charities that could benefit and the resources that could be purchased so that the people nearest to your cause could feel that love, too.

Wealth isn’t about being greedy. It’s about using the tangible proof of your power to do something impactful for others. AND let's not get all high and mighty feeding the EGO about doing all the good in the world and supporting charities as the reason we desire money. Of Course we can do all of that. But we can also build the mansions, sail the yachts, drive the Rolls Royce, wear only designer fabrics, fix your teeth, travel the world, stay in luxury hotels, hire the nanny, chef and gardener. The point is.. Money allows for the experiences of your choosing. If you feel uneasy with the second part of the list, we will dive into your money story, and so much will be explained if you are not manifesting “enough” wealth to feel abundant.

Feel this statement: Money is God's way of communicating through me. God's Love is the currency, prosperity is how I spend it.


No one wants to sail through this life just floating blindly along without reason. Our purposes drive us to do more and to do better. Without them, what the hell would we be doing? We’d be merely surviving, is what we’d be doing. Getting clear on the why that moves you is key to understanding where your impact can ripple into the world. And that’s where power starts.


Sooooo, you have started down this path of creating a life of abundance, and the relationships that you valued dearly start to feel stressed or strained. As if you are moving in different orbits.. WTF. I thought I was doing this work in order to feel closer to the people that I love. The relationships that are closest to you will be your most revealing truth tellers. How you show up for others will give you the biggest reality check. Are you authentic to the woman you are saying you are, or would you be ashamed of the ways you are allowing yourself to be handled by those closest to you.


Oneness and feeling connected to Source energy is the key to KNOWING. Knowing that you are not alone, and there is an energy that adds rocket fuel to your desires. But we have to peel back the layers of how we have been taught to believe and connect with this energy.

You can call it God. You can call it the universe. You can call it some guy named Joe in the clouds.I created an acronym (SUGA) Spirit. Universe. God. Ancestors. It doesn’t matter what you call it. What matters is that you feel connected with it. That you’re open to what it can provide.

If you have a mountain of beliefs that limit God or view God as a tyrant out to hinder your life if you don’t live up to the expectations, we must either find you a pill that transform you into the perfect person, of help you create beliefs that show God as someone you’d love to be connected to.

And that when things feel like a grease fire, you’re able to lean into the trust that whatever power is bigger than you has got your back, as long as you’re able to be true to yourself.


Yes, fun. Because isn’t it crazy that even when it comes to manifesting we call in the things we think we need (for security, for comfort, for the approval of others), but we so often forget the things we want. Sis, what is the point of all of this if you aren’t having fun in the process? I’m about to hand you a magic wand and you’re gonna use it to scrape by? I don’t think so…we are here to ENJOY every minute of this life, and together that is exactly what we’ll do. Yes, this recipe is your magic wand, because it is unlocking your belief about abundance, and you get to be BOLD enough to change what is hindering your progress, and once you begin to remember who you are and the power that you hold it will be the key that makes the universe your personal genie in a bottle. Follow it, and your wish is its command.

Self Love

If you and I are in the kitchen together on a sunny, beautiful, sunday morning…and you’re making me pancakes and out of the two on the stove, one is burnt…are you going to serve me the burnt one or will you eat it?

It might sound like a trick question, but it’s not. I know, because I was the one that would always serve myself the burnt pancake, I would always prioritize the needs and lives of others and leave myself as last on the list, because that’s what a good woman does right? Wrong.

With actions like these we repeatedly send the message of “I’m not good enough” to the Universe, and you know what you manifest from that perspective? Nada. It’s time to flip the script and prioritize giving ourselves the same love that we reserve for others.


Your body is literally your vessel to do whatever it is you’re trying to do on this earth. Its the avatar that your spirit is house in in order to experience life. If you aren't feeling tip top and there are conditions that are hindering you in some way…. Change them.

There is absolutely NOTHING that can attach itself to this physical body, that your spiritual self can not alter. Remember EVERYTHING is a vibration. DisEase and Health. Mental, Physical and Emotional health are under the command of your desires, you can decide the condition that you will operate in, and allow that in the same way that you can create a new business. Feel that. A healthy whole body is a healthy manifestation, and that’s just what you need to create a life you desire.

Yes, this recipe is your magic wand, because it is unlocking your belief about abundance, and you get to be BOLD enough to change what is hindering your progress, and once you begin to remember who you are and the power that you hold it will be the key that makes the universe your personal genie in a bottle. Follow it, and your wish is its command.

So trust me when I say: You Can Do This

I know, because I am you, and it’s time. It’s time to step into the abundance recipe daily, it’s time to be in community with brilliant M3’s that are making moves just like you, it’s time to take back the power in your life. 

Give me the chance to show you , you have absolutely nothing to lose.

But absofuckinglutely everything to gain.

Make a decision from the person that you DESIRE to be…. It’s time to Invest in yourself, this life is not a test run….

Woman sitting on white vanity drinking tea

The Abundance Space

  • A free community where you can meet other multicultural melanated masterminds just like you
  • Think of this membership like a social media community with out the funky algorithm drama.