This is more than a journal, it's your guide to abundance.

This is your personal embodiment tool, your sacred space, and the answer to:

 “How do I call in the very best for myself, in all areas of my life?”

Built around the Savage Spiritualist signature Abundance Recipe, these pages will be your guide to:

Taking inventory 

  • Drawing Clarity Around Your Current Beliefs
  • Setting the Foundation for New Beliefs to Take Root
  • And living as your fully embodied next level self 

Within your Relationships, Self Love, Spirituality, Wealth, Purpose, Health and Fun.

Now, we would never promise that. Within your 90 days in this journal you will  be putting the Savage in Savage Spiritualist as you uproot and navigate some of your deepest belief systems, and clear what’s been holding you back. 


But we can promise you that it will be worth it, Nekeya the Savage Spiritualist will be with you every step of the way, and you won’t come out of these 90 days the same way you came in.