The truth is that you’ve been sitting somewhere between knowing that you can manifest your desires and not fully knowing how to. You’ve seen glimpses of it in the past, certain events led to new opportunities. A door naturally opens, and you help yourself in.
You call in the house of your dreams and the make the career you’ve always wanted. Fighting with your spouse dries up and in trickles in pieces of your life you didn’t even know were possible.
But that’s just a glimpse. Imagine intentionally calling in everything you wanted at any given time. And imagine that you can dream up a life of your dreams and make it happen right in front of your eyes. All the money, all the health, all the relationships, all the joy…is created specifically for you.
Yes, manifestation really is that powerful, and you really do have the power to tap into it. You just have to believe in it.
Everything you have now is the product of your past thoughts and actions

First and foremost, you already have proof of your power. Your life is proof: All the good and bad and in between things are all existent because you’ve made it so.
The house you live in is yours because you thought it so.
The relationships you have with family members are the way it is because you’ve created them to be that way.
The clothes you wear, the comfort you live in, the career you have, it’s all there because you either decided it was going to be yours that way… or because you settled for “good enough.”
None of this happened just because it was given to you. The universe understood your heart and met you exactly where it was.
Your energy and vibrations
We all operate on a scale of energy and vibrations. Sometimes, you can easily dip into the lower end, operating in a mindset that says, “Of course I’m not going to get what I want. Look at this shit.” And guess what? The universe is going to see that you, of course, aren’t going to get what you want.
The universe reads your energy and meets you there.
Or, you can visualize the thing you’re after and really feel as if it’s in your hands now. You can operate in the energy that it’s going to happen because it’s supposed to happen, and guess what? The universe is still going to meet you where you are.
Your energy and your vibrations are like a walkie-talkie to the universe itself. They tell the higher power above you whether or not your desires are actually living in what you’re putting out. Which means that you can choose which side of the scale to slide on, so that the universe meets you there.
Your future already exists
Here’s the thing: The future that you’re after? It already exists. Seriously. Stop wishing it to happen and decide that it will.
Whatever you call the higher power above us all: God, the Universe, Fate, etc… is in the position to open up several doors that all lead to a different path. And if you’re the kind of person who is just willy-nilly deciding that you’re not a part of unlocking each of those doors, well, then, one of those doors is going to swing open automatically. And chances are, it’s not going to be the one that creates the most thriving way of life.
You are 50% of the key to the best possible future. And that possibility is already there. It’s one of the doors waiting for you. You just need to meet the Universe and reflect its love on you back out, so you can live in the future that’s been waiting for that call.
Believe in your already existing power
Whether or not you have accepted it yet, the power of manifestation already exists within you. You are the proof of it. Your life is the proof of it. And every future you’ve created thus far is proof of it.
So why not hone in on that power and be an active participant in creating your damn desires?
It’s not a selfish act, and honestly, if it can’t be avoided, you might as well call in the things that will make you fucking joyful for being alive every second you take another breath.
The universe is waiting on you to provide energy.
This is your invitation to operate in the kind of energy that will call in the future you actually want. Not just pieces of it, but the whole damn thing.