Inspiring Empowered Creation takes an Empowered Creator...

And someone that knows how to keep them on their toes

If you landed on this website, I’m willing to bet you’re not someone that settles for “subpar”, not for you…not for your life…and not for the people around you.

You’re here to create a dramatic impact, to know that you played a role in changing someones life for the better. 

Yeah, I get that, the “do the damn thing” in me honors the “do the damn thing” in you, which is why I want to speak for your audience at your next event. 

The right talk, the right information, the right exposure can be the catalyst that changes someones life forever.

It’s not just about inspiring them, it’s about empowering them and handing them the tools that allow them to start to create their own life, on their own terms, from the minute they leave the event. This is where you and I come together to make that happen. 

Sample Topics

Keynotes to empower creation


Keynotes to empower creation

Can I be real for a minute?

(As if I haven’t been real on this entire damn site…)

Black woman in a flowered dress sitting on a tan leather couch smirking.

This is about so much more than filling a speaker slot in your event program.

It took me standing in the Barbie aisle, desperately trying to push my daughter to choose the brown skin barbie (she was not having it) to fully understand just how much representation matters, especially to women of color. 

They aren’t just looking for another “rah-rah” feel good speaker. They are ready to see someone who looks like them win.

Someone with a past that looks a lot like their past, someone that faced the same obstacles and biases they face now, someone who understands what that inner yearning for more feels like…and exactly what it takes to answer the call. 


Because they need to know that the person on that stage was given the same odds that they were, because that means they can make it too. 

Woman sitting on a tan leather couch in a green dress having her photo taken by a photographer.
I've had the privilege of working with people from some fine organizations.

And what I’ve found in every single one of them is that the faces in those audiences want to know that they are capable, just as much as they want to know how to get there.

I know that they’re capable, and I believe your next event is the moment they discover it for themselves.