Hello and welcome. Before you jump in any further, before you run straight into reading a topic that’s calling your heart, and before you even think about taking the next big leap to become unapologetically spiritually savage… I want you to stop. Collect your breath. And sit with me for a hot fucking minute.
Because this journey you’re going to take? Well it’s a damn wild ride, and sometimes it can feel a little like being thrown off a cliff without a parachute on.
But I don’t want you to sit in that shit for too long without getting some kind of safety strapped on, so here’s my promise to you: We’re in this together. And as long as my body will have the opportunity to walk this earth, I’m going to be here for you.
Why You’re Here
You didn’t stumble on this page by accident. You came here to deliberately learn about how to better your life in the ways you want to see it unfold. You know that our society’s status quo has taught us to hunker down and be satisfied with the shit that comes our way. Wanting anything more than that makes you selfish. Wanting anything separate from that makes you a fucking Black Sheep.
Bahh, bitches.
This is the place where we say fuck the noise of the naysayers around us. This is where we’re okay with letting go of all the assumptions of what life is supposed to look like, and we welcome authenticity at its finest.
You’re here to stop manifesting on accident and absorb all the little nuggets of information to help you do it on purpose. Every. Fucking. Time.
Welcome, sis. You’re in the right place.
The Pillars of Your Journey
There’s a reason why you and I are a good fucking fit. It’s because we both believe the same thing. There’s no one way of manifesting. There’s no one way that your life should look. And regardless of what all of that looks like for you, it all boils down to the same thing: Everything is connected.
So inside these blog pages, I’ve broken my info nuggets down into the different pillars that make up Savage Spiritualist. This way, you can focus on one piece at a time, but also, you can weave in and out of each piece with ease to experience how they all work together.
Spirituality: There’s something bigger than all of us, and if we connect to that power, it’ll become your own damn genie in a bottle.
Health: In order to keep your mind strong, the rest of you needs to be in shape, too.
Wealth: If you show and express the universe’s love for you, it’ll come back to serve you in wealth.
Purpose: Finding the why behind doing the damn work in the first place.
Love: Packaging it all into the shit that fills your heart.
I’ve carefully curated topics on each pillar because I know regardless of where you are in life… if you’re looking to nail a 10 in the bedroom or nail a 7-figure career… there will be questions, and I want you to have access to as many answers as I can come up with for you.
Your Next Step
Yeah, I know. You’re probably ready to click over into the sections right this minute. But please hold your foot on the break just a little while longer because if there’s anything I want, it’s for you to walk into what you do next with a clear and ready head.
Think about what life could be like:
If you had the career of your dreams. If your kids listened the first time you asked them to clean up their room. If your spouse didn’t assume that you were going to take care of the trash and the laundry and the dishes and the cooking and the planning for every damn day for the rest of your lives.
Imagine if you could call the shots in every corner. Imagine if you could close your eyes and POOF all that shit came true. Imagine that you do fall off course from everything you ever wanted… and you knew how to get back up, adjust your crown, and get back on track for the journey you’re creating.
You don’t have to know all of it now. But think about one thing you do want. What’s the thing that your heart is after that your mind has been trying to figure out? Start with that. Go to that section. And trust that wherever your heart leads you from there is where you’re meant to go next.
Your Partner Creating the Experience You Want
Look, I’m not going to say that you’re going to find all the answers right away. That’s not how this shit works. It’s going to take time and exploration. But sometimes, exploring is the fun part. It’s where you get to know yourself and your connection to the universe around you.
But what I am saying is this: I get where you are. I know what it’s like to feel fucking stuck. I know how hard some of this shit can be.
And I also know that when you’re able to trust in yourself and believe in your power, any damn thing is possible. You might not be there 100% yet. You might be more like 90%. But whenever you have a little trip and the numbers and experiences drop a little, come back here.
Because I’ll be here for you every step of the way, even for the ones you trip on.
Go. Learn. Absorb.
And start your journey on becoming your own knowledgeable Savage Spiritualist.